1:1 Nutrition Consulting

Simplifying what we eat and how we live.

Struggling with any of the following?


    Wake up tired? Reach for another cup of coffee at 3PM? Never have energy at the end of the day? I can help you fuel yourself properly to ensure stable energy ALL day long.


    If this is constant, uncomfortable or preventing you from fitting into your clothes, that’s a sign your digestion needs attention.


    Food is meant to fuel us, eating should be enjoyable! Neither should ever cause pain and if they do, let’s explore why.

  • HeartBurn/ Acid Reflux

    Taking a tums at every meal is not fixing the problem. Instead of masking symptoms, let’s get to the root cause.


    When you can’t stay focused, forget small details, or struggle to complete what feels like a simple task. Not a fun place to be and can leave you feeling unmotivated.


    We are so quick to take foods away hoping that will solve our problems. This is NOT the answer to support digestion or the body’s natural detoxification process. Ensuring both systems are working optimally may allow you to enjoy more foods you love!


    There is a lot of conflicting health information out there! Having a trained practitioner review your history and needs is key to ensuring you have the best information.

  • Discouraged

    The truth is, what works for one person may not work for you. That does not mean you have “bad genes” or are destined to not feel well. You need a personalized protocol that will work for your body - a trained practitioner can help you with that!

14 week 1:1 Nutrition Program

If you’re looking for something completely tailored to your specific needs, 1:1 nutrition coaching might be the right step for you. This program is ideal for someone looking to revamp their health and start feeling better. Whether you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above or something else is halting your progress and preventing you from living optimally, nutritional therapy can help! In 3 months we can get to the root cause of your symptoms and work to make critical changes so your symptoms don’t control your life.

If you are ready to get started or would like more information book your FREE 20 minute discovery call with me today!

What’s Included

90 minute Initial Consultation where we take a deep dive into your personal health situation. We will review the following:

  • Initial Interview questionnaire: A brief but important survey of your health history, current lifestyle, barriers, and future health goals.

  • 5 day food and mood journal: A detailed log over a 5 day period of foods eaten, exercise, supplements and medications taken to help me understand your unique situation and so I can begin to create a personalized plan.

  • Nutritional Assessment: A thorough 300 + plus questionnaire designed to highlight key imbalances, deficiencies and dysfunctions of organs and systems within the body. This assessment is crucial, as it helps analyze potential causes of your symptoms so we can work together to create a realistic plan to target the root cause.

  • 6 additional 45- minute sessions (a call every other week)

  • Personalized Dietary Protocol based on your concerns, deficiencies and imbalances

  • Lifestyle support around sleep, stress, and movement personalized to your unique circumstances

  • Specific Supplement Recommendations based on your bio-individual needs

  • Additional support including recipes, cooking tips, and progress tracking.

  • Final evaluation and recommendations



    During our initial assessment I will have a clear idea of your unique nutritional needs. Analyzing your health history will allow me to create a personalized protocol.


    Everyone’s circumstances are different. We will focus on foods and habits that will be best suited for you and your lifestyle!


    No one knows you better than yourself! My approach is to help you achieve wellness in a way that is accessible and do able for you.